Why NFL fined Browns QB Deshaun Watson for $5 million? Explaining his sexual misconduct and assault case

Deshaun Watson is a professional football player who plays for the Cleveland Browns as a quarterback. The footballer played his debut season with the Houston Texans as the team selected him as the first round 12th overall pick of the 2017 NFL Draft.

The QB went through a tough time when allegations of sexual misconduct were brought against him which costs him a great deal in terms of losing games and income.

So, let’s move forward to explore more of the assault case of Deshaun Watson.

Why NFL fined Browns QB Deshaun Watson for $5 million?

24 women reportedly filed a lawsuit against the footballer over sexual misconduct during massage therapy sessions. However, Deshaun denied any attachment to the charges and maintained his innocence gestures all the time.

However, as a consequence of the charges brought against him, the NFL star had to face penalties that were decided over a long discussion between Deshaun’s legal parties and the player’s union. As a severe punishment for his charges, he was suspended from 11 games and had to pay a fine amount of $5 million.

As part of the process, the Browns played must also attend therapy sessions of behavioral experts which are aimed at developing psychological imbalances within a person.

And the player later had some confidential settlements with the women who accused him of assaulting them physically. Additionally, the fine amount will find its place in the hands of the organizations that work for preventing sexual assault against women.

The quarterback later issued an official apology through his team saying, ‘I apologize once again for any pain this situation has caused and I take accountability for the decisions I made”.
This 27-year quarterback achieved three Pro Bowls within a short span of his career. Therefore, he has great potential to emerge stronger on the field and make the best possible use of his talents as a player. Share your thoughts on Watson’s lawsuit in the comment section below.

Golenur Aktar

323 articles

Golenur Aktar is a writer and made her debut in the 'Pen & Paper' industry holding the hands of Sportszion. She ignited her writing craze from Biography articles and now writes about NFL.


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