Footage from 2020 proves George Kittle is a man of his word

San Francisco 49ers star tight end Geirge Kittle is known for his straightforwardness in the NFL. He once made a promise after losing the Super Bowl game against the Kansas City Chiefs in 2020.

Recently, his old video of that moment resurfaced which proves he fulfilled that promise and the viral clip has been making rounds on the internet.

George Kittle comes good on his 2020 promise

George Kittle made a passionate promise captured by NFL films four years ago during Super Bowl LIV, expressing his determination to return with vengeance.

“I will be back here. I will be back here. And I will be back with motherf—ing vengeance,” he can be heard saying.

The TE has now fulfilled his promise as his team, the San Fransisco 49ers is going to play in Super Bowl LVIII against the Kansas City Chiefs.

The clip of Kittle’s promise went viral and resurfaced on social media each playoff season. In that defeated moment, Kittle set a goal to return to the Super Bowl and win, which has now become a reality.

George Kittle, when asked about the viral video, emphasized that he doesn’t need much external motivation. While he doesn’t use the video daily for motivation, it remains a significant memory, not necessarily reigniting a specific feeling but acknowledging the enduring sentiment.

“Do I use that as motivation every day? No. Do I see the video and do I kind of reignite something? I wouldn’t say that, but it’s definitely a memory of mine that I have and I still feel that way. I’m trying everything I can, I tried everything I could do for the last four years to do that again. Just looking forward to that opportunity.”

Kittle, who stole Thanskgiving turkey from NBC set, reflected on his understanding of the playoffs since 2019, emphasizing the sense of urgency and hunger that has been ingrained in him.

“I didn’t understand the playoffs until 2019 when we went and didn’t win. I’ve understood the sense of urgency, the hunger. That’s sort of been set in stone for me since then.”

George Kittle expressed his dedication over the past four years and eagerly anticipated the opportunity to achieve their goal of winning the Super Bowl. Finally, after four years of hard work, he has made his way to the Super Bowl this year and will be striving hard to win this time.

Kittle gets Travis Kelce approval

Despite being considered one of the best tight ends in NFL history, 34-year-old Travis Kelce acknowledged George Kittle’s excellence in the position.

“He’s the best tight end in the league,” Kelce said about George Kittle. 

Kelce praised the 49ers TE for playing lights out and delivering the best football of his career. 

“He’s been playing lights out, playing the best football of his career and really catapulting that San Fran team through the playoffs, man.”

Kelce expressed pride and honor in going up against George Kittle in another Super Bowl.

“And I couldn’t be more proud of him and couldn’t be more honored to go up against George in another Super Bowl. Can’t say enough things about who he is as a guy, who his family is, can’t say a bad thing about him.”

George Kittle
Via SportsKeeda

Both Travis Kelce and George Kittle are recognized as crucial players for their respective teams. The two Pro Bowl tight ends faced off in Super Bowl LIV four years ago and are set to match up again in Super Bowl LVIII on Feb 11.

Do you think will George Kittle be able to defeat the Chiefs this time or will he make another promise for next season? Let us know in the comments.

Maheen Zaib

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Maheen is a writer for SportsZion. She's your go-to for all things NFL, from epic game highlights to trade scoops and breaking news. Navigating the sports scene with flair, join her on this thrilling journey through the NFL's wild ride. Let's score some great reads together!


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