Tom Brady’s heartfelt response to young boy’s question about his hero at Super Bowl media day

The Super Bowl’s opening media event is known for being a bit of a chaotic circus, with journalists and players alike vying for attention. However, 2017’s Super Bowl opening media day had a touching moment that melted the hearts of many.

During the event, a young boy asked Tom Brady who his hero is, and instead of brushing it off with a stock answer, the former Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback displayed genuine emotion.

Who’s Tom Brady’s actual Hero?

Brady began to answer the question before pausing to collect himself. The young boy’s question seemed to catch Brady off guard, and he responded, “Who’s my hero? That’s a great question. Well, I think my dad is my hero because he’s someone that I look up to every day, and a… my dad.”

This touching response from the NFL legend was an unexpected twist at that Super Bowl media event. It certainly gives us a rare insight into the more human and emotional side of the football superstar.

The reason for this emotional response from Tom Brady might stem from his father’s comments regarding Deflategate, where Tom Brady Sr. made headlines defending his son and calling Deflategate a “witch hunt.”

Tom Brady

That incident led to Brady jokingly stating on WEEI’s Kirk & Callahan show that he had banned his father from talking to the media. However, when asked on Monday night if his dad speaks for him, Brady’s emotional response seemed to indicate the deep respect and love he has for his father.

Overall, Tom Brady’s heartfelt response to the young boy’s question about his hero at the Super Bowl media event was a refreshing change from the usual spectacle. It showcased a more genuine and human side of the football superstar, which made him even more relatable to fans. It also highlighted the importance of family, and how a father’s love and guidance can shape a son’s life, even when he becomes a superstar.



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