How many cars does Laker’s LeBron James own? Looking at King James’ epic luxury car collection

LeBron James’s basketball skills are hard to compare with anyone else as he is probably the first player in NBA history to posse almost all of the great qualities at a time from scoring, and dribbling to creating a great defense.

This four-time NBA championship winner is a true wonder of the court who accumulated a net worth of $1 billion from his ravishing career and is able to lead a lavish lifestyle.

Let’s explore his luxurious car collection.

List of LeBron James Most Expensive Cars

Let’s have a look at some of the most expensive cars in James’ collection

1. Lamborghini Aventador Roadster

Lamborghini Aventador Roadster

His Lamborghini is the most expensive car in his collection which is worth $670,000. The special item was customized according to his preference and the floral print of the car is superb to look at.

Very few cars can compete with this rare piece in terms of speed and motion. This Avendor Roadster can offer a top speed of 217 mph while covering 0-60 mph in just 2.9 seconds.

2. Rolls-Royce Phantom

Rolls-Royce Phantom

Without a luxury Rolls-Royce, a car collection seems incomplete and Kings James maintains the trend with a Phantom series which was gifted to him on his 25th birthday by Shaquille O’Neal.

This $450,000 model comes with a 6.7 liter V12 engine offering a top speed of 149 mph.

3. Mercedes-Maybach 57 S

Mercedes-Maybach 57 S

The Lakers star bought this $380,000 luxurious car when he was playing with the Cleveland Cavaliers. It can provide a top speed up to 171 mph.

4. Ferrari 458 Spider

Ferrari 458 Spider (2011) -

James is in love with this $234,000 spider and he was often spotted with this one during his time with the Miami Heat. It can offer a top speed of 199 mph while covering 0-60 mph in just 3.4 seconds.

5. Porsche 911 Turbo S

Porsche 911 Turbo S

The fifth most expensive car in his collection is the Porsche 911 Turbo S which is worth $207,000. It can cover 0-60 mph in just 2.6 seconds while offering a top speed of 205 mph.

LeBron James is a successful investor and businessman and his worth is soaring day by day helping him to rise above the line of ordinary luxury. Where does he rank among your top NBA players of all time? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Golenur Aktar

323 articles

Golenur Aktar is a writer and made her debut in the 'Pen & Paper' industry holding the hands of Sportszion. She ignited her writing craze from Biography articles and now writes about NFL.


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