“I would love to fight at 170” Michael Chandler adamant for his upcoming fight vs Conor McGregor to be at welterweight despite Dana White’s remark

When Michael Chandler and Conor McGregor were announced as the coaches for TUF 31, a lot of fans were shocked. Upon official confirmation of the event, many spectators began to speculate at what weight the high-stake match would take place. There has been a lot of comments from different parties but nothing is confirmed.

‘Iron’ Michael decided to speak his mind during an Instagram live session, “I’ve heard Dana say something about lightweight. (I’m) not even close to 155 right now, we’ll put it that way. I don’t like talking about how much weight I do cut or don’t cut or how big I am or what I weigh. But, ultimately, it would still be a nice little cut, not too comfortable cut down to 170 from where I am at right now.”

“So, I would love to fight at 170, I think Conor wants to fight at 170, I think it makes a ton of sense for us to fight at 170. So, 170 it is. Let’s go with 170. But, once again, like I said, I’m not in charge of that, I’m not in control of that. I have my wishes and preferences of course, but we will see what happens,” he further added.

At what weight class could we see Conor McGregor vs Michael Chandler?

For those who don’t remember, at one point Conor McGregor fought in divisions under the 155 lb weight limit. But those days are long gone and the Irish fighter has been looking jacked in his recent photos. At this point, making it to Welterweight might turn out to be a challenge for him.

Chandler also seems to be weighing way above 155 which is why he is willing to step things up a gear. We have seen McGregor fight in different weight classes before and it probably won’t hurt to mix things up. Now if only Dana White slows down on the Power Slap League promotion, these issues could get resolved.

What weight class do you want the Conor vs Chandler fight to take place in?


Amir Khosru

431 articles

A graduate in Linguistics Studies from Jahangirnagar University, hailing from the city of Khulna(Bangladesh). Currently working as a Content Writer who covers Combat Sports. Passionate in a lot of fields including (But not limited to) Reading, Gaming, Travelling, Strolling, Food, UFC, Anime, and whatnot!


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