NBA analyst Charles Barkley once hilariously channeled swagger, imitating Tyler Herro’s postgame style

Ever since he began his career as an NBA analyst, Charles Barkley has grown more popular among fans. His hilarious jokes and valuable insights about the players and the game provide his audience with an enhanced understanding of basketball. Barkley has been very open and straightforward with his criticism and doesn’t hold back much.

This characteristic of the former NBA player and current analyst is greatly admired by fans, making him one of the most reliable analysts out there. In addition to his regular work on TNT’s Inside the NBA, he is also known for creating hilarious moments that are definitely worth watching. One such incident occurred when Charles Barkley playfully imitated Miami Heat’s young star, Tyler Herro.

WATCH: Charles Barkley once hilariously imitated Tyler Herro’s postgame style

Charles Barkey once came out dresses in a similiar fashion to Tyler Herro’s post game style. He could be seen wearing a red costume which greatly resembled Tyler during one of his post game conferences. Barkley is known to be a bit of a jokester and puts out great acts to entertain his colleagues and fans watching him.

Barkley has been with TNT since 2000 and is one of their most popular NBA analysts. He is highly regarded for his honesty and fearless nature in speaking his mind, even if he disagrees with his co-hosts or fans. He has also criticized Tyler Herro for claiming to be on the same level as Luka Doncic and Trae Young.

Charles Barkley criticized Tyler Herro’s Luka Doncic and Trae Young claim

Tyler Herro is a young talent in the NBA with a lot of potential to grow. It’s common for players of his age to be confident and sometimes give out statements for which they might receive some pushback. The same happened with Tyler when he claimed to be on the same level as Luka Doncic and Trae Young.

Charles Barkley

Even Charles Barkley, a fan of Tyler Herro’s talent, disagreed with Herro’s claim. Barkley reportedly said, ‘I’m a big Tyler Herro fan, but just because they have similar statistics, those guys have to carry their teams every night. First of all, the second issue is he’s playing against backups.’

Barkley emphasized the difference in roles between Herro and the players he compared himself to. He pointed out that having similar stats doesn’t necessarily mean Herro is on the same level as Doncic and Young, who consistently carry their teams. Herro typically comes off the bench and faces backup players

.As for Charles Barkley’s imitation of Tyler Herro, it would be interesting to know Herro’s reaction to seeing Barkley imitating him. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments; we would love to hear your opinions.


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