Randy Orton RKO: female stars who have received the three most dangerous letters in sports-entertainment

Randy Orton’s made his earth shattering return at the Survivor Series Wargames match in Chicago. He emerged from the cage to attack The Judgement, helping Team Rhodes to victory.

Orton delivered a RKO to Dominic Mysterio followed by a devastating RKO to JD McDonagh from the top of the steel cage. The RKO has not only been experienced by male superstars; some female superstars were also hit by the RKO.

Female stars who have received Randy Orton’s RKO

Randy Orton’s RKO, which stands for Randy Knockout, is a professional wrestling finishing move that involves the attacker grabbing the opponent’s head and arms from behind and then jumping forward, driving the opponent’s face into the mat.

The move is considered to be one of the most devastating in professional wrestling, and it has been used by Orton to defeat countless opponents.

RKO is a devastating move that has been used to defeat countless opponents, including many female stars. Orton delivered an RKO to Keibler on an episode of Raw in 2005. This was a memorable moment, as it was one of the first times that Orton had used his RKO on a female wrestler.

Randy Orton and Nia Jax at Royal Rumble
via WWE

Orton RKO’d Stratus after a mixed tag team match in 2006. This was a particularly brutal RKO as Orton drove Stratus’s head into the mat with extra force. Orton RKO’d Phoenix in 2020. This was a shocking moment as Phoenix is a very tough and respected wrestler. Orton also hit Nia Jax with a RKO at the Men Royal Rumble match when she interrupted the match by attacking male wrestlers.

One of the most memorable moments in WWE history occurred on March 23, 2009, when Randy Orton delivered an RKO to Stephanie McMahon. This controversial incident took place during a heated rivalry between Orton and Triple H, Stephanie’s husband.

WWE Universe wants Rhea Ripley to get RKO’d

Orton has delivered his RKO to a number of female wrestlers over the years, including Stacy Keibler, Trish Stratus, Beth Phoenix, and The Fabulous Moolah. These RKOs have always been shocking moments, as they are a reminder that Orton is a ruthless and dangerous opponent who is not afraid to use his signature move on anyone.

Randy Orton appeared on tonight’s Raw episode and addressed the fans after 18 months of his absence from the WWE. He was interrupted by the Woman’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley, known as the Mami. She is a part of the current heel faction, The Judgement Day.

She interrupted Orton and said Judgment Day is coming for Orton after their loss at Wargames match at the Survivor Series. After hearing all this, Randy took his mic and said, “Every Week its just Mami, this Mami and That Mami. But guess what Rhea, DADDY’S BACK”. This made the fans into huge pop and the fans started chanting RKO. Well this clearly says that fans want Orton to put a RKO to Ripley.


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