“I’ll be in touch’’: WWE legend Rock steps up to back UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo after learning he only got $7 to his name

In a heartwarming display of solidarity and support, renowned WWE legend, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, has come forward to back UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo in a time of financial hardship. Learning that Gorimbo had only $7 to his name, The Rock expressed his willingness to lend a helping hand.

This act of compassion not only highlights The Rock’s immense popularity but also sheds light on his philanthropic endeavors.

What is Themba Gorimbo’s story?

Themba Gorimbo, a talented UFC fighter hailing from Zimbabwe, has been battling to make ends meet in recent times. Despite showcasing his skills in the octagon and working tirelessly to build a successful fighting career, financial challenges have left him with only a mere $7 to his name.

This dire situation, which Gorimbo openly shared on social media, caught the attention of none other than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.


Being the kind man he is, Dwayne has promised to help the UFC fighter financially in his latest tweet where the WWE and Hollywood superstar also shared that he once was in a similar situation with only $7 and so understanding  Gorimbo’s condition he will “be in touch.”

“This is f’n crazy to see and brings back many emotions and memories. $7.49 in this fighter’s bank account. I once had $7 bucks too. I’ve been there on that grind. Got your back, brother. I’ll help. You got this. I’ll be in touch,” The Rock tweeted. 

What are the other occasions when Rock stepped up to help others?

The Rock’s compassionate nature and willingness to support those in need are well-documented. This recent act of kindness towards Themba Gorimbo is just one example of the many times The Rock has stepped up to help others.

One such instance was when he donated $1.5 million to his alma mater, the University of Miami, to support their football program. This generous contribution demonstrated his commitment to giving back to the community which played a significant role in his personal and professional growth.

Furthermore, The Rock has been actively involved in various charitable endeavors over the years. In 2020, he donated 700,000 water bottles to frontline healthcare workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He has also been a long-time supporter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, granting countless wishes for children battling life-threatening illnesses.


The Rock’s support extends beyond financial contributions. He frequently uses his platform to uplift and inspire others, sharing motivational messages and stories of resilience. His social media presence alone, with millions of followers, serves as a source of inspiration for people worldwide.


In the case of Themba Gorimbo, The Rock’s intervention offers a glimmer of hope amidst financial uncertainty. While specific details of how The Rock plans to assist Gorimbo are yet to be revealed, his sincere offer to be in touch implies a personal commitment to help the struggling UFC fighter regain his financial stability.

In a world where celebrity influence often takes center stage, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stands out as a true champion of the people. Whether it be supporting individuals in need, contributing to charitable causes, or inspiring millions with his words and actions, The Rock exemplifies the qualities of empathy and kindness.

As fans eagerly await further updates on Themba Gorimbo’s situation, The Rock’s involvement serves as a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can have a profound impact on someone’s life. The power of compassion, when wielded by influential figures like The Rock, can inspire others to lend a helping hand and make a positive difference in the world.

The Rock’s decision to support Themba Gorimbo during his financial struggles showcases his unwavering commitment to helping others. By stepping up to make a difference, The Rock continues to inspire and motivate people worldwide, using his platform and influence to uplift those in need and create a better world for all.


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