Adin Ross bombshell sours Logan and Jake Paul’s already severe wound

Controversial internet personalities Logan and Jake Paul skyrocketed to fame through viral videos and boxing matches. Logan initially gained recognition on Vine before transitioning to YouTube, while Jake found fame through Vine and the Disney Channel. Despite facing criticism for their behavior, both maintain large followings on social media.

However, their relationship has deteriorated over time, and they no longer share the same brotherly bond they once had. Adin Ross, during a recent podcast with Jake Paul, expressed his disapproval of the strained relationship between the Paul brothers.

Adin Ross claims Logan and Jake Paul don’t appear brothers online

In the ‘BS w/ Jake Paul’ podcast, Jake Paul mentions that he dislikes the way he’s treated by his brother and how the media portrays them. Jake feels that Logan consistently undermines him, despite being the younger brother. Jake agrees with Adin’s statement, asserting that he and Logan do not seem like brothers online.

Adin refers to the relationship between the infamous Tate brothers and how their relationship is perceived online. He mentions that the Tate brothers maintain the same relationship and brotherly bond both on and off camera.

via Adin Live on YouTube

Adin said to Jake Paul, “The strength of the Tate brothers’ relationship can be seen through the way they talk, the way they tweet, and most importantly, the way they don’t put each other down.” He feels like Jake and Logan Paul’s relationship is nothing close to that of the Tate brothers.

Jake Paul approached Logan about their relationship

In an earlier encounter, Jake Paul took the initiative to reach out to Logan, with the intention of repairing the rift in their relationship. Despite the ups and downs they had experienced and the controversies that had faced publicly, Jake expressed a genuine willingness to put the past behind them and rebuild their bond as brothers.

During their conversation, Jake bravely addressed Logan’s alleged double-dealing, implying a lack of authenticity. This candid interaction stirred diverse reactions within the Paul brothers’ fan base.

Many agreed with Jake’s assessment, noting his evident maturation, which seemed to overshadow Logan’s. Fans scrutinized Logan’s mannerisms and expressions, perceiving them as disingenuous.

They contrasted Jake’s growth with what they deemed as Logan’s ongoing pretense. Their relationship is still viewed by the media and fans as very rocky and fake.

What do you think about their situation? Do you also think that Jake is more mature than Logan? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below.


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