Jets’ QB Aaron Rodgers once faced backlash from scientist over vaccine advocacy amid COVID-19 pandemic

With on-field issues, the former Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers possesses a name for himself for writing his name in the news headline for off-field issues also. Regarding the pandemic, the quarterback shared such an interesting incident with renowned Professor Peter Hotez due to his controversial statements.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a major public health crisis in the United States as the number of cases has crossed 12 million with the death of more than 258,000 in November 2020. However, in the dying situation, one person who seemed less care over the matter was the quarterback Rodgers who stepped into a social media clash with Dr. Hotez.

Aaron Rodgers clashes with scientist over vaccine advocacy

The 39-year-old did not love the vaccination process for COVID-19 and also was not inclined to vaccinate himself, in contrast, Professor Hotez was in charge of spreading awareness among the general mass regarding the vaccine which in turn led to a vocal clash between the two.

In his appearance on Joe Rogans’ podcast, the Professor tried his level best to aware of the people who were heedless of the pandemic and advised all to take their vaccine to save themselves from the fear of death. Additionally, on the podcast, the show host offered him to donate $100,000 to a charity of his choice if he came on to debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the COVID  vaccine use, yet Hotez rejected the offer instantly.

However, A-rod had a different opinion on the Professor’s views as he shared a reel featuring Hotezs’ remark on Instagram with the caption “robertfkennedyjr would mop this bum” to provide his support for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential bid.

Though the 18-years-veteran player deleted the tweet later, the tweet grasped the attention of online media and the Professor himself came in front of the media claiming the quarterback as “disappointed” while mentioning some awful consequence of the pandemic through a Twitter post.

“Disappointed he took a cheap shot vs me this week. In 2021 during our awful delta wave we were losing 2,000 Americans/day, >80% among unvaccinated, when vaccines were 90% protective vs death/serious illness, I criticized him for his public antivaccine stance,” the professor wrote in the post.

What did Aaron say about the vaccine?

The vaccination process was mandatory for all team players, albeit, Rodgers chose not to get to get vaccinated due to an allergy to one of the ingredients they are made of.

Moreover, in a press conference in August, the NFL player told reporters that he was “immunized” from the virus, though he later admitted it as a false one a few months later he had to miss a game due to Covid-19 protocols.

Aaron Rodgers' 'immunized' comments bite Packers QB after COVID-19 positive diagnosis | Sporting News

“Yeah, I’ve been immunized,” Aaron Rodgers said during the preseason. “There’s a lot of conversation around it, around the league, and a lot of guys who have made statements and not made statements, owners who have made statements. There’s guys on the team that haven’t been vaccinated. I think it’s a personal decision. I’m not going to judge those guys.”

The Jet’s star player has always been bold about his views and this time he did not spare a medical professional in this regard. Let’s see if A-rod again heats the social media with his next move in the matter.


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Shabiha is a sports content writer for Sportszion. The writer completed her graduation in Management and post-graduation in HRM. Writing is her passion and she has a long career goal in relation to writing.


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