Does Harry Kane have a brother? Examining England star’s family after viral e-fit mugshot released by Police

Richmond Upon Thames Police have recently released an e-fit mugshot that has everyone scratching their heads, confusing the person pictured with England captain and Bayern Munich striker Harry Kane. People on X, formerly Twitter, found the uncanny resemblance hilarious and many thought the person in question to be someone related to Kane.

However, it was quickly established that it was not actually Harry Kane, but it has left fans in a dilemma about the actual identification of the person in the mugshot released by the police. Many people on social media are asking if Harry Kane has a brother and if he looks like the person in the e-fit mugshot.

Does Harry Kane have a brother?

The former Tottenham Hotspurs star does indeed have a brother, but it can be assured that neither the police are after him nor is his face in any mugshot.

Harry Kane is a younger brother to Charlie Kane, who is a football agent by profession. He runs a football agency named CK66, which has only one player as a client: Harry Kane.

Harry’s brother Charlie was in a lot of news during the summer transfer window, as Harry Kane finally left Tottenham Hotspurs and joined Bayern Munich in Germany after years of rumors and speculations of him taking the exit. Charlie Kane was pivotal and a key factor in getting Bayern Munich’s record deal done, as he was at the center of all negotiations.

However, it recently came to light that Charlie’s name is absent from the list of football agents recognised by FIFA, but he remains an agent recognised by the English FA.

Harry Kane lookalike wanted by Police

It seems like Harry Kane is the most recent celebrity to find out they have a criminal doppelganger. An e-fit was released by the police in their hunt for a suspect in a robbery in southwest London and surprisingly, the mugshot bears an uncanny resemblance to the Bayern Munich striker.

Police in the concerned area circulated the photo following the incident on October 26th, which occurred near Twickenham Riverside.

The man’s similarity to Kane was quickly made fun of by people on X, previously Twitter. Out of the many witty responses, a couple of them were “It seems like Richmond Upon Thames Police are looking for Harry Kane” and “I thought Harry moved to Munich,” as several other jokes followed.

Richmond Upon Thames Police released a statement that said: “On October 26 between 2000 – 2030hrs, a lone female was robbed in an alley off Twickenham Riverside. We are asking for anyone who could identify the person from this EFIT image. Please call us on 101 (ref 0711737/23) with any assistance.”

However, on a lighter note, it can be confirmed that the police are not looking for Charlie Kane or anyone from Harry Kane’s family. 

What’s your take on this lookalike situation? Make sure to let us know in the comments section.


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