Will Aaron Rodgers’ foray into entrepreneurship with “Online Sports Database” score a touchdown? Exploring Jets QB’s new business venture

The year 2023 has led the way to a new sunrise for the NFL superstar Aaron Rodgers with his new journey in the New York Jets after spending an 18-year stint in Green Bay additionally the quarterback is paying heed to his job venture.

The former Packers starting quarterback has grossed a lot of fame throughout his Packers’ journey and obviously, a great sum of money with whom he can establish himself as a perfect businessman. He took the opportunity and has made a tie with actor Ryan Rottman on launching an Online Sports Database in 2021.

Aaron Rodgers and Ryan Rottman launching ‘Online Sports Database’

Rodgers’ previous team Packers is the only publicly-owned sports franchise in the USA with more than 5 million shareholders and like the team the Aaron Ryan duo launched a digital sports media portal named Online Sports Database (OSDB) featuring athletes and teams profile pages. However, one might get surprised how two people from different fields have turned into business partners. Well! Rottman was acquainted with the fanbase of the four-time MVP and as they went on a dinner, the actor proposed the business idea to one time Super Bowl winner to utilize his fan base. 

“We went to dinner one night, and I just said, ‘As an athlete, is this something you think you would utilize? Like, do you think it would help you? Do you think people would care?’” Rottman stated.

Though the actor previously gave the proposal to many athletes before, the Jets quarterback appeared as the one recognizing the idea greatly and immediately responded stating his connection while urging him not to share the proposal with any other.

Aaron Rodgers and actor Ryan Rottman raise $2.5M to create IMDb-type sports platform


‘Well, don’t tell anymore because there’s a need for this. There’s a white space for this, and I think you and I are the guys that do it.’

Till now,  they have included the profile pages of 26,000 professional athletes on their sites and they are working every day to aggregate all the player’s information to stand the site as a “one-stop shop for all things sports”.

“What we are building is the IMDb (Internet Movie Database) of the sports market,” Rottman told Bloomberg. “We want to aggregate all the sites and consolidate them and make a one-stop shop for all things sports.”

Rodgers aims to crowdfund $1.25M 

To raise up their business, Aaron and Ryan want to follow the tactics of the Packers in crowdsourcing. OSDB has raised $4 million so far and A-rod has a desire to raise an additional $1.5 million through a crowdsourcing campaign. 

“I like the idea of giving fans the opportunity to invest and get behind something they feel connected to, like OSDB,” he said.

Aaron Rodgers Crowdsourcing From Fans for IMDb of Sports

There should be a sports equivalent to IMDb for the players like the 39-year-old who always want to get in touch with their supporters and OSDB paved the way for them according to the actor.

“We always really loved the fact that the fans could invest in the Green Bay Packers [and loved] the community it created. We wanted to bring that same mentality to OSDB. We want like-minded sports fans to be involved. We want you to go out there and talk about OSDB, that you own a company with Aaron Rodgers, and really create a community. Because sports is about teams and communities.”

Before the regular season’s games, Rodgers’ initiative shakes out as a successful one on his off-field matter, now how he can sustain success on the field will be worthwhile to see.



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Shabiha is a sports content writer for Sportszion. The writer completed her graduation in Management and post-graduation in HRM. Writing is her passion and she has a long career goal in relation to writing.


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