“You wanna put me back in jail”: Jamie Foxx reveals shocking Mike Tyson & Stevie Wonder story involving female singer

Mike Tyson is known as one of the most significant figures both inside and outside the ring in recent memory. People who have been lucky enough to get in touch with the heavyweight have shared mind-blowing stories that are sometimes hard to believe. Hollywood star Jamie Foxx is one of the lucky persons who got the opportunity to observe Mike closely.

Foxx jokingly shared the tales of how people would react when ‘Iron’ was present. Most were too afraid to even crack jokes as they feared a strong knockout punch could land anytime from the short-tempered Tyson.

However, anyone who could pass the initial barrier of the seemingly rugged boxer would find a kind, composed, and damaged man inside. Foxx also managed to get close to Mike and discovered a completely different man.

Which Mike Tyson incident was Jamie Foxx talking about?

A gathering took place at Tyson’s place in Las Vegas shortly after his release from prison. Foxx, who was also residing in Vegas during that period, was present at the party. The renowned Stevie Wonder was playing the piano at the event with some other celebrities also present.

At one point, Mike started shouting at a woman in attendance. The recently released boxer could be hired uttering, “You wanna put me back in jail?”

Stevie was well aware of Tyson’s temper tantrums and he tried to leave his seat to check out what was going on. This is where Foxx stepped in and tried to console the pianist, warning him that a wrong move could get him in trouble.


Why did Mike Tyson react so furiously?

Mike lost three years of his life in jail after getting accused of rape. To this day, the legendary boxer continues to insist on his innocence. It is suspected that the original accuser approached him willingly but started throwing accusations after consensual intercourse had taken place.

Mike was usually considered an attractive prospect for women owing to his impressive physical build and massive resources gathered from an impressive career. However, upon getting accused, the young prodigy naturally became suspicious of women trying to take advantage of him.

While Jamie tried to portray the event in an amusing manner, false accusations are no joke and women need to be held accountable.

Kushal Shinde

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