“He creates a school around him” Al-Nassr nutritionist hails positive changes Cristiano Ronaldo initiated through high intensity training routine

Portuguese sensation Cristiano Ronaldo has created a very good atmosphere at the Al Nassr camp following his arrival from Manchester United as teammates are motivated more than ever with a even more strict fitness guidance.

Cristiano Ronaldo is known for following a strict and healthy diet to maintain his physique and performance on the field as his teammates are following his diet chart to become leaner and fitter.

Ronaldo’s diet is high in protein, which helps build and maintain muscle mass as he avoids foods rich in fat, especially saturated and trans fats, which can contribute to weight gain and heart disease. Ronaldo gets his energy from complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables because these foods provide a steady source of energy, without causing spikes in blood sugar.

Ronaldo’s Al Nassr teammates are aware of these facts but couldn’t cope with the intensity due to the lackings of inspiration now having Ronaldo in the team motivates them more than ever before.

Jose Blesa is among those now working with Ronaldo at Al-Nassr as the nutritionist and has told Ideal about the impact CR7 has had on Rudi Garcia’s squad: “He is the best footballer in history or one of the two best. I was uncertain, like everyone else, about what it was going to be like to work with him and if the club was going to change a lot, but I haven’t found a more professional footballer than him.”

“Every conversation with him is a learning curve. We met and talked about his diet, about how he understands the importance of this and rest for performance. He wears two rest meters: the ring and the bracelet. He is the first to arrive at training and the last to leave. Dealing with him is wonderful.”- he further added.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a walking legend and the influence he has wherever he goes is beyond description the Portuguese are creating a school of principal around the team by leading them from the front.

“Cristiano helps me a lot because we can no longer teach him anything, but he creates a school around him. The rest of the players do what he does because everything he does is wonderful to improve his performance.”- Blesa is amazed to have the legend.

“Since he has been here, all the players have trained more intensely and followed a stricter diet. I have not seen a club like this in which the players improve practically 90% in their body composition every time I see them: they have less fat, and more muscle and they do all the exercises at their fingertips. It is a luxury to work there.”- Al Nassr nutritionist concluded.


Salah Uddin Rafi

289 articles

Sports Content Writer. Covering F1, Tennis, Naskar and mostly Soccer. Graduated from Jahangirnagar University. A game of football is relentlessly uncompromised because passion runs thick through the veins.


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