How many kids does Bryan Danielson have with wife Brie Garcia? Meeting the wrestling family of the AEW star

Bryan Danielson of AEW hinted at retirement in March due to a hand injury, following a highly praised battle between Danielson and MJF, which even the naysayers called “pro wrestling perfection.” After that, and following his injury, he had an extended meeting with his wife Brie Bella and their children.

Brie and Bryan have been together for about about 12 years and have two children, a boy and a daughter. However, the following night, he made another “mic-in” statement about his retirement plans, but it sounded more like a promise for the next year. His statement regarding his upcoming AEW ring plans before retirement clearly reflects how much he loves his daughter, being a responsible father.

Everything to know about Bryan Danielson’s kids, wife

WWE standout Brie Bella and her twin sister Nikki Bella both debuted with the company in 2007. After returning to WWE in 2009, Danielson was part of a love triangle the following year.

Danielson’s WWE persona chose Gail Kim over the Bella sisters in the staged drama. But in the real world, Brie and Danielson hooked up, started dating and got married on April 11, 2014. Throughout Bryan’s wrestling career, Brie has been there for him. 

Bryan Danielson

They are parents to two young children. Birdie Joe Danielson. Their first daughter was born in May 2017 and is now six years old. In August 2020, they welcomed a boy named Buddy Dessert Danielson.

Danielson reveals retirement plans

During an appearance on “AEW Collision,” “The American Dragon” said he told his daughter that he would quit when she turned seven. After indicating retirement was in the cards for him this year, he added, “I will not go gently into that good night” and “This will be the most epic year of my career.”

Bryan also expressed a desire to face Zack Sabre Jr. at WrestleDream. However, Ricky Starks and Big Bill cut him off before he could finish his sentence. Later Danielson wished Starks had been more patient because he had more to say.

Bryan Danielson

Many viewers were upset by The American Dragon’s apparent retirement tease. Injuries forced Danielson to resign from WWE in 2016, but he has since made a successful comeback. Many of his supporters are crossing their fingers, as this season may be his last in the ring. 

What are your thoughts on Bryan Danielson’s vow to his daughter? Please leave a comment and tell us what you think.


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