Who is Rayssa de Freitas withdrawing her assault charges against Manchester United star Antony?

Brazillian winger Antony has been receiving a lot of hate and negative publicity after being accused of physical abuse and sexual assault by his ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin in May 2023. Things are not looking good for him as after Gabriela, two more women have come forward and accused Anotony of the same thing.

Banker Ingrid Lana told the press that the accused assaulted her after she refused to kiss him. Another case filed by Rayssa de Freitas claimed that Antony attacked her too. Though Rayssa de Freitas has retracted the complaint all these cases surfacing one after another have made fans lose trust in the winger.

Who is Rayssa de Freitas?

Rayssa de Freitas is the third woman who has accused Antony of sexual assault. She is a law student who claims that the Brazillian physically abused her in May 2022. According to her, she had an argument with Antony and Mallu Ohana (the ex-wife of Brazilian goalkeeper Dudu) in their car after they left a nightclub in Sao Paulo.

Credits-The Daily Mail

The two attacked her in Antony’s Land Rover. Rayssa managed to escape when it stopped at a traffic signal but needed medical attention afterwards. Manchester United said that they had no idea about these reports even though they were made three months prior to the player’s transfer to the Red Devils.

Rayssa de Freitas drops charges against Antony

The complaints filed by Rayssa to the Sao Paulo Civil Police have been retracted in full but Ingrid Lana and Gabriela Cavilla are still clinging to their allegations. The 2023 EFL cup winner did try to clear his name by making the chats between him and Lana public. He said that their encounter was consensual and she asked to meet him with a clear intention of being intimate.

Antony is currently on thin ice. He has been suspended from Manchester United with full pay till further notice. The club wants him to resolve these issues before getting him back on the pitch. Antony told the press that the decision was mutual and he is constantly trying his best to clear his name.

He said: ‘I have agreed with Manchester United to take a period of absence while I address the allegations made against me. This was a mutual decision to avoid distraction to my teammates and unnecessary controversy for the club.”

He keeps claiming that he is innocent but all of these cases have made it hard for the fans to believe him. There is no verdict from the court yet so it is still too early to say if he is guilty or not.


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