Savannah Marshall loses WBC title status due to prolonged injury

Undisputed champion Savannah Marshall is widely regarded as one of the best British boxers in the world. Owing to her recently suffered injury, Marshall has seemingly lost her title as the champion has been inactive since her last win against Franchón Crews-Dezurn earlier this year in July.

The injury still remains a mystery as the boxer is yet to disclose the cause and the impact of the injury. The former champ is yet to release a statement to her eager audience and her title seems to be at stake as well.

The extended injury cost Savannah Marshall the WBC championship

This is not the first time that an incident like this has happened to Savannah Marshall as she has often been injury prone and has faced a lot of criticism and backlash over the same, Unfortunately this time, the injury has caused her to lose her title.

She has now been named ‘Champion-in-recess’ by WBC until she makes her return to the ring. Despite losing her super middle-weight title due to injury, Savannah Marshall still retains her WBA, IBF and WBO titles.

Claressa Shields, the decorated boxing champ, also has accused Savannah Marshal for over exaggerating her injuries previously. The former champ had also lost to Claressa Shields and decided to activate her rematch clause against her as well.

This decision is going to impact Savannah severely as she is not expected to return to the ting till early 2024 and is also interested in the Claressa Shields rematch.

Shadasia Green gets title shot after Savannah Marshall named champion-in-recess

Shadasia Green is finally going to get a shot at the title. She was the mandatory challenger for the super middleweight title and now with the Savannah Marshall out of the way she has a clear route to the belt.

The undefeated fighter is the right contender for the title, having a clean record of 13 wins with 11 KO wins. She has also been active in the ring and has thus been the first fighter that the WBC recognized after the former champ was stripped off her title.

“The WBC Board of Governors has decided to place Savannah Marshall as Champion in Recess and will order a fight for the vacant Super Middleweight world title between Green and an opponent to be designate by The WBC Women Championship Committee”, WBC briefed in the official statement.

The question that’s yet to be answered is who is going to be taking up the fights against Green for the title. A lot of names were part of this conversation, the biggest one being Claressa Sheilds as the two have had some bad blood for quite some time. The two boxers have even had public feuds on many an occasion.

Nobody knows what’s going to happen next, but a lot of action is expected so stay tuned with us to get the latest updates.

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