Triple H reveals his “holy sh*t moment” of SummerSlam involving Brock Lesner in post event presser

This year SummerSlam premium live event witnessed some unexpected twists and turns including Jimmy Uso’s betrayal of Jey. However, some Brock Lesnar fans expressed dissatisfaction as The Beast Incarnate lost his rubber match against Cody Rhodes. Despite the loss, Lesnar surprised the WWE Universe by showing respect for the American Nightmare.

He hugged Rhodes and raised his shoulder in the air, filling the arena with emotions rarely seen from The Beast. However, in the post-press conference, Triple H revealed that this moment was unscripted and Lesnar even shocked him.

Triple H reveals unplanned moment of the PLE

The emotional side of Lesnar was something even Cody Rhodes was not expecting as he was shocked after seeing that after the match. However, during the post-press conference of SummerSlam, The King of the king was asked: “What does this mean? What’s going on?” (regarding that handshake and hug between Lesnar & Rhodes).

In response to this, Triple H claimed this was not a scheduled part of the show. “This was not something that was booked. And as Brock was leaving, he decided that he was going to do this. So that’s the story.”

So it seems like that finally Cody Rhodes had earned the respect of the Beast Incarnate in real. Moreover, it will be interesting to see what’s next for Lesnar after his possible face turn at SummerSlam 2023.

Brock Lesner’s history of going off-script

After the news of Lesnar’s unscripted moment at SummerSlam surfaced, it didn’t come as a surprise to true Lesnar fans, as this is not the first time he has deviated from the script. The Beast Incarnate has been involved in various moments where he went against the planned course of action.

One notable instance was a real fight with Braun Strowman during a triple threat match where Lesnar was defending his Championship against Kane and Strowman. Another famous moment was when Lesnar destroyed a Cadillac gifted to security members by Seth Rollins, including throwing the car’s gate, which was not part of the WWE’s plan.


Lesnar’s ability to go off script stems from being one of the top attractions in WWE, and neither Vince McMahon nor Triple H wanted to risk losing him. His significant influence often allows him to go against the script if he finds it suitable or interesting. However, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for Lesnar as he seemingly turned to babyface after losing to Cody Rhodes.


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